Friday, July 13, 2012

Testing, Testing 1, 2, 3...

Okay, so we'll call this a test run.  I've been spending an awful lot of time over on FetLife lately, chatting people up, writing sexy little stories, and basically getting comfortable with this side of me.  Recently, I was kind of bashing that 50 Shades of Whatever series, and this total and complete stranger sent me a message just to scold me.  He...possibly she...said I was kind of rude to come down so hard on the dang books, and then said if I thought they were so dreadful, why didn't I just go and write something better.  HERE'S my original post.  In case you can't figure out which post is mine, I go by girl_nextdoor over there.  I'm simple like that.

You know, I pretty sure this was their clever way of telling me to fuck off.  I should probably take a moment and reflect on why this person decided to privately scold me, but you know what...I'm not very good at doing what other people think I should.  Plus, their little "why don't you go write something better" barb keeps bouncing around my head.  I've been chewing it over for like five minutes, and I think I've come to a pretty important decision.  To the lovely lady (gentleman) that decided to scold me for sharing my honest thoughts on an embarrassingly awful series, I say this:  Challenge.  Accepted.  Sweetheart.  (Lol, like how I added the sweetheart there at the end.  See, I can be a sneaky, snarky bitch too.)

Anyway, it's like 3:30 in the morning, and we all know impulsive decisions made in the wee hours of the morning aren't usually the best.  But I really think I'm gonna give this an honest go.  I really do like writing naughty stories.  And if I'm gonna sit on my high horse and mock the crap out of somebody else's writing, well, I guess I should at least try walking a mile in their shoes or whatever.  So I'm pretty sure that, in the light of day tomorrow morning (by which I mean sometime after noon) this is still something I'm gonna be all about doing. 

Hi, by the way, name's Ella.  Well not really, but I don't know you, and I'm going to talk a lot about sexy things.  Pretty sure a nickname is appropriate in situations like this.  Anyway, I'm a snarky little smart ass brat of a submissive/masochist.  I like to write, I'm told I'm pretty good.  If you wanna check out some of my past stuff, you can find it over on FL I might even go and cross post some stuff from over there, just to make life a little simpler for you all.  We'll see.

Anyway, the whole point of this blog is (primarily) to share whatever I come up with, my "something better" story.  I can't promise it'll be great stuff, but it'll be fun.  And if it sucks, you totally have my permission to mock the crap outta my story.  Heck, if it sucks, I'll probably mock myself.  I'm even minded like that.

I'll post something soon.  Until next time...

The (Kinky) Girl Nextdoor

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